Notes To My Beans

The day to day tales of my life with the beans

Cycle 3 – Talking with RE

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Last week, I had a phone consult with my RE. As great as she is in person, her phone skills are very much lacking. The first few minutes were filled with “uhms” and “uhh” although she finally hit a groove.

She started off asking me what I want the plan to be which I’m very thankful because I don’t want me to just take orders from her. So I told her that we were currently on a break because we have plans to be out of town for a few days and that afterwards, we were going to go ahead with IUI #3. I think this is the part that messed her up — that I didn’t want to move on to IVF. I told her I felt like we needed to give it one more try and that I’m not ready for IVF yet. She said that was fine and she only wanted to do whatever we felt comfortable with.

Then I started with my list of questions. What did she think about the past 2 procedures? She said that from my perspective, everything went well and explained that the thing about PCOS is that no 2 cycles are alike, which explains why the first one was a lot quicker then the last (and she also confirmed that I’ve been getting AF because the meds had “normalized” my cycles). She also mentioned that the last time papaBeaner did an SA, that his results came back with low morphology, which may have something to do with the BFN. Although that was back in 2010, so we’re hoping to do a repeat SA in the next few weeks.

When I asked her what she would recommend, she out-rightly said IVF, which makes me think that this practice pushes IVF. From her perspective we had “tried IUI enough times” that she thinks we should move on. From my perspective, 2 times is not a lot. Some insurances require that IUI is tried at least 6 times before they cover IVF. Of course my insurance company is not one of those. I’m grateful to have insurance that covers IF, but I’m only cover under a lifetime max. If I have 3 IUIs, that should leave me enough to have 1 IVF and maybe 1 FET (if they even do those at this practice). But I guess I’m getting ahead of myself.

So the plan so far is that papaBeaner will have an SA tomorrow and we’ll hopefully get the results on Thursday. I’m hoping for the same or better results than he had in 2010. And when AF doesn’t show up on CD30 (the day after Christmas), I’ll call up my nurse (who will probably call me back the next day) and then we can jump-start AF and get the ball rolling on this last IUI cycle.

The RE said that we got lucky in 2010, not only that we got our BFP with low morph issues, but that we got it on our first try. I hope it’s not too much to ask for a second miracle.

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